This last week we took a family vacation to New Orleans, LA. New Orleans feels a lot like home. Familiar streets, familar faces, familiar food! I've been wanting to take Mark there since we met... and finally he got to experience a part of my family he never has.
My favorites (in this order):
1. Getting pictures of my kids with their Great Grandparents. (And visiting with these grandparents.)
2. Seeing Parker run around my grandparent's house with my cousin's kids- just like I used to run around with those same cousins.
3. Showing Mark and Parker the town- seeing them make memories in the same places I have so many memories.
My Maternal Grandparents, Reid and Jewel, in New Orleans

My Paternal Grandma, Betty, in Mississippi

Parker's favorites:
1. Grandma Betty's house in Mississippi. He sweat-ed it out all day chasing dogs, cats, frogs, lizards, hornets, etc. Little boys are made for the country.
2. Alligators on the swamp tour and the sharks at the aquarium.
3. Riding airplanes, buses, a train, boat, and ferry all within a weeks time!

Parker was a sweaty mess the entire trip.)
Mark's favorites:
1. The food, the music, and the architecture of the French Quarter.
2. Experiencing the greenery and country pace of Mississippi.
Ben's Favorite:1. Always having someone's arms available.

This post doesn't near capture the flavor of New Orleans! I wish I could pass on the taste and sounds thru blogger. But I can not. You should just add a trip to the Big Easy to your bucketlist! Be sure to get some po boys, beignets, crawfish, shrimp, jambalaya, Hubigs, snoballs........