Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Noteworthy

Our baby turned 1!

For his birthday we had a water party.
I had a really good time but of course we were celebrating my baby.

We had a buffet of Parker's favorite foods complete with a beach ball cake to fit the occasion. It may not look that appetizing but it was delicious. White chocolate mouse with rasberries (parker's favorite of course).
This is about as climatic as his first cake got. He wasn't all that interested.
I can't believe I have a toddler. So many things are shocking me lately. Like, how he's totally thinned out (although he looks pretty "healthy" to the rest of the world, I'm wondering where his chubby little baby face went). Another thing that surprises me is why he learned to walk in Hawaii, but will hardly take a step here at home. He also displayed his first word and sign together recently. Not surprisingly it was "eat". (He's a very good eater. Likes EVERYTHING except any sort of pasta.) He also really likes books, and has always enjoyed staring at the pictures, and now he looks at them and "babbles" a story. Yesterday he put the phone up to his ear, although I'm wondering where he learned that because we text a lot. His latest craze is fitting objects inside one another. Whether its dumping things out, putting them in, stacking, or fitting. I guess he's moved past the bang, shake, and throw and is moving up in fine motor skills.


April Hardy said...

Parker totally looks like Ken in that picture on your left side bar. The one of you guys in Hawaii. That party was fun! I am glad we could be apart of it and be there to celebrate. Turning one is quite the accomplishment! And I can't believe he is much can change in just a matter of weeks with these little gus.

Evaly said...

Such a cutie :) I love the pools and the darling cake. McKell took her first steps and then wouldn't do it again until a month later. Maybe sometimes they decide they aren't quite ready to commit to the walking thing :)

Cindy Ardis said...

That was a fun party. He had fun!! Just sitting there in the water.

Unknown said...

Sounds like my kind of cake! White chocolate raspberry mousse? I'd love that recipe. Nice decorating job too--I've never tried anything too tricky in that department. Looks like the kiddles had fun!

Breanne said...

Birthdays, First Steps, Graduations, and Hawaii - sounds FUN!! Congrats!

That cake is cute!

Christy said...

I definitely didn't make the cake. Friend's husband has a small little side business making cakes.

Rebel said...

Oh my goodness- I made Andrew save the message! Parker "CALLED" Andrew's phone about 4 times ysterday. The last one left a 3 minute message and I just laughed and laughed at his babbling. It was hilarious. We love your baby... scratch that.. toddlr!

Heather said...

I love that little cutie & can't believe he is 1. Being a cake person I LOVE THAT CAKE! It is soooo cute. Can't wait to see your Hawaii pictures, but I can't talk because I still haven't posted mine from 2 months ago.

Anonymous said...

WOW! HAWAII! he looks so cute and it looks and sounds like he and all of you had a blast! I can't believe he is now 1! hopefully you all can come up to our family reunion (the davis' reunion- which of course is marks dad's family) and we all can meet him!