Monday, November 17, 2008

Not blogging...

I've been busy reading this:

This is one of the books I stumbled across in grad school and promised myself I would read once I finished school.

Its truly fascinating but, a hard read! It reads kind of like a textbook. It took me four days to read the first seventy-five pages.

Its full of FASCINATING facts about US History and why there is such disparity in assests between racial groups. My FAVORITE part is that I can be like, "Hey Mark did you know (somethig interesting I just read)." And he'll say,"Huh... nope." That never happens! Mark always knows!


Scott A. said...

I'll have to put this one on my list...The next book waiting in my 'reading queue' sounds similar to this one. It's called "The Big Sort" and is about the cultural and political divisions in America.

Kerrie said...

I'll have to put that one on my list of all the books I need to catch up on when my kids are in school! That list is pretty long.

Larry and Karri said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I'll be eager to hear more about it sometime. :)