For those who know me the focus of finishing any book is a challenge unless it captivates all of my interests (or at least the strongest ones) and until today that list has consisted of mostly smaller books. Four months and 838 pages later (while still keeping up with my textbooks) I finished my largest "recreational" read ever.
I wouldn't consider Buffet to have a role model life but he is a decent business man who had solid time proven advice. I couldn't summarize it into anything of substance here but would point out that the interest that consumed me most was the eerie similarities of both of us making every thought into something related to business starting as a young child.
After reading this book and reading about the "other" people who put up with this obsession about Warren, I have to apologize to my "others" my parents, sisters and childhood friends who put up with me wanting to play nothing but "jobs" which really meant they worked and I made the money :) Being around someone like that can be too much, so thanks for putting up with me... (as if you had a choice right Evaly?) Hopefully it pays off to even a fraction of what buffet did. I know that's what Christy is hoping considering she chose me after knowing I was wired that way.
I've already promised to pass this on to Mike S. since he and I share the same business disorder. But when he's done let me know if your interested. Anybody here already read this?