Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tough decisions... poor outcomes

I am extremely saddened by the all cuts to education and social services we have seen implemented in the last week. I am in shock and appalled that our state representatives have overwhelmingly and disproportionately attacked the most vulnerable population in our state: our children. I for one think that everyone who has children in the state of Arizona should leave. I'm thinking that if you're not going to invest in my child, I'm not going to invest in you.

Am I bitter because I lost my job... No. I work in non-profits; this comes with the territory. But what brings me to tears is thinking about the children I know and love not being afforded a future.

Believe me, I understand that every state is running at a deficit. But believe me again, when I tell you Arizona's hit to children and families is the worst. For one, we never have provided and cared for them as we should (ie we rank 49th in EVERYTHING). Cuts to our already feeble system are absolutely devastating. And for two, other states have been smart enough to know that if we keep services in place for children and families we save money in the end. These budget cuts will be the costliest budget cuts Arizona has ever seen.

If Mark weren't in school I would be looking for employment out of state. I want my son to grow up in a state where they value PEOPLE. I want him to know PEOPLE MATTER; even if they don't have family and churches to fall back on.

Mark is usually the one to discuss politics on our blog, I know that my political views differ from most of the people that read this... which is why I usually leave it alone. But this last week has brought such sorrow to me, I can't keep it in. And to be honest, I don't know how anyone could disagree that these budget cuts are nothing short of a tragedy. But alas, I know people do. Otherwise the cuts wouldn't have been made in the first place.


April Hardy said...

These cuts are completely devastating. I agree with everything you said, and it's not because I am your sister. It's a shame they have to cut money where it matters most. I have never been good with words, but kids are the future, and when AZ cuts funding in areas where these kids need it most it cuts that future out for these kids. I don't want to raise my kids in AZ either, if this denar doesn't go through I may be forced to. But Drew knows I don't care to stay here, this is another added bonus to use as a reason to get me and my family out of this state. Good luck with looking for a new job.

Janalee said...

well you know better than most of us because you work smack in the middle of it and see what we don't. so what would you suggest be cut as an alternative?

Cindy Ardis said...

Christy, your blog has brought me to tears. First of all I wish you would of told me you lost your job, and most importantly I am very proud of you because of your deep concern and care for what these price cuts have done to those families that you have been serving and who have been blessed by you and organizations like it. I am very, very sorry; I know you are deeply concerned about this, I wish I knew what to do or say to help you feel better, just know you did a wonderful job, these families could not of asked for a more caring and loving person. I know you will find other ways to help and serve in the Social Work market. People like you will always be one of our country's greatest assets. love, MOM

Kristine said...

Well that just plain stinks. I'm not going to say how I really feel, because that would be like pouring salt on the wound. However, I don't think you should censor yourself when it comes to your political views. You shouldn't be judged for your opinions and beliefs. I would be interested in reading what you have to say too. People just need to keep an open mind as they're reading. Just because your views are different than most doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to talk about it like the rest of us do.

Evaly said...

Is CA 50th? :) It's hard to know where to go. I hope you find a new job soon and I'm sorry that you have to let go of those precious kids. It really is sad.

Heather said...

I hate to hear about your job. I know that it wasn't JUST a job to you, you loved what you were doing & the people that you served! You are awesome & will be a great asset to your next employer. It really makes me angry that these steroid atheletes are paid all this money & these actors & musicians that set such a bad example for our children make SOOOO much money but no money for people that really need it so they just cut that. The state that this world is coming too is awful.

Momma_S said...

You were just here and we just talked about your job. I'm sorry you have fallen victim to the economic mess. If you were here I'd give you a BIG hug!! Remember Heavenly Father always has a plan and he NEVER forgets his covenant people. I know you will find new employment and they will be blessed to have you. Now as far as the state of the country...Don't get me started. Love~Cheree

Lorinda said...

California is doing the same thing! It's always shortsighted to ignore education and the needs of children but I guess because "the
effects" of those kinds of cuts aren't felt for years, they are an easy target for cuts...but society does suffer. Christy, it's great that you have such passion and love for those who have great need. I think that is a wonderful gift. Maybe that is why you were held off to come in the latter days...

Unknown said...

it is very sad to see the programs cut from the state that we know, love, and appreciate for the real difference they are making. utah is doing the same thing.....i'm lucky to still be here.

Kerrie said...

Sorry, it's taking me a while to comment on this. But, I'm so sorry you lost your job. Politicians really don't get it, do they?

Lynette said...

I share your sentiments...and Im really sorry about your job:(