Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Taco Tuesday!

Happy Veterans Day to our Veterans! We celebrated by enjoying our weekly "Taco Tuesday" at Del Taco, where you get 3 crunchy tacos for $1. However as you read on it was not all fun and games. Here's what happened...

Mark didn't have school and Christy didn't have work so we thought we'd have some old fashion family fun.

I rode this.

Christy and Cannon did this.

And Parker watched it all doing this.

After we had enough fun riding in circles in our parking lot we decided to go to the park. Christy was having so much fun I told her she should ride the scooter to the park and I'll drive behind with Parker and the Dog.

The park was fun we walked around for a while and did this.

and this...

After the park we thought it would be fun to stop by our friends Jenny & Mike who lived around the corner from the park. Well they weren't home so we decided to leave to get the taco's but then.... It's almost to horiffic to type. Christy made a bad turn and was head for a parked car. She wasn't going too fast but she was trying not to stall, then she couldn't stop and ended up laying the scooter down and rolling on the street. She got pretty banged up and she might have sprung her wrist. (I pulled a similar stunt back in january so I know it hurts a lot) Here is part of the damage.

But christy got even with the scooter here.

Needless to say Christy says even though she was having a lot of fun up tell then she's now done riding the scooter for good.

Feel free to ask for more details, Christy will now take your questions :)


April Hardy said...

What a bad ending to such a fun day! I am so sorry. Glad Christy is okay and that things weren't any worse than they were.

amee sorensen said...

I loved reading this story until the very end!! :) What a fun way to spend together, but Christy, be careful! I'm glad your ok. By the way, squeeze little Parker's cheeks for me!!! I miss him already! Tell him his 'great' aunt loves him! (I love saying that!) :)

Heather said...

Oh Christy, that stinks! You told me you had an accident, but I didn't realize that you scraped yourself up so bad. I hope you were able to get in with Dr. Nielson. What a cutie Parker is. I hate that you guys are so far away and we can't see you more. We really enjoyed being with ya'll and seeing our niece and nephew. I'm glad that you are okay. I hope you are tooo sore after that accident.

Heather said...

Bad typing, I meant "arent too sore". sorry for the mistype. H

Unknown said...

poor christy!! looks painful...
although i must say taco tuesday is a FAVORITE tradition of mine...it helped me survive through college

Brent :) said...

That is why I don't want to ride the scooter at all!!! Can't wait to see you.

Lorinda said...

Ouch...glad you are okay! Boy, that Parker is cute. Love those penetrating eyes and those kissable cheeks! Look forward to our visit!